Sunday, August 25, 2019

How has Google inc. maintained its long term sustainability within the Essay

How has Google inc. maintained its long term sustainability within the past five years - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Google Inc. is a leading international technology company which provides advertising, search, operating systems, and platforms, software and hardware products. Its search engine boasts of technology leadership, making the organization to acquire dominance over similar firms in the market. Be that as it may, the company is mired in antitrust investigations in Europe and America. Observers argue that the result of such an investigation may adversely affect the firm in the near future. To ensure that it retains its status as the leading online search company, Google has employed several competitive strategies. Google provides products that enhance internet advertising. It has a variety of services and instruments for all kinds of advertisers, ranging from simple text ads, mobile display ads, to publishers. Moreover, the organization provides mobile and other similar devices. It also offers products and services in over 100 languages acros s the world. The firm has three entities under which it carries out its activities: Motorola. Google and Motorola Home. The Google part of the organization comprises of advertising and other non-advertizing investments. It mainly centers on search, operating systems, and platforms, as well as enterprise products and services. The search investment is made up of a variety of index of websites and internet contents that the organization keeps and avails via the search engine to clients connected to the internet.

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